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Closing the Gap- Engaging Men in Family Planning

The game changer to realizing improved health outcomes…

Men play a dominant role in family planning decision making among couples yet they have been traditionally left out of conversations around contraception and family planning. This is prevalent in especially rural communities in Uganda, The USAID/Family Planning Activity (UFPA) implemented by Pathfinder is working through district based Civil Society organizations like Innovation Program for Community Transformation (InPACT) to specifically engage men to appreciate and promote family planning.

Through our human centered approach, InPACT established that men appreciate family planning benefits from the socio-economic and development angle.

“Finding men where they are, their work and ‘hangout’ places and involving male champions makes it easier for them to meaningfully engage” says Kevin Mugisa – InPact male engagement champion.
“…understanding that it’s not only about women and reproduction but also about men and their economic well-being makes FP messages more receptive to men, and causes a mindset change”. He adds.

InPACT is using the USAID developed ‘Emanzi’ training modules to sensitize and encourage men to embrace family planning for the benefit of their families and themselves. As a result, the project is seeing more men express interest in getting family planning information and services. This change will likely be the game changer we need to realize better health outcomes.

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